For Your Education - FYEFor Your Education – Page 6 – For All Things Educational
Labor Day American Flag Featured 

Labor Day American Flag

With Labor Day just around the corner, this fast and simple kids craft is sure to be a hit with your youngster for the holiday! What you will need: – Extra large Popsicle sticks (7) – Wooden dowel – Red, white and blue acrylic paint – Paint brushes – Tacky glue – Blue foam board – Scissor – Wooden small... Read More
Raising Kids with Grit Featured 

Raising Kids with Grit

What is grit? Grit is having qualities like strength, character and a drive to succeed in life.  Kids that fall down continuously,  persevere after trying, have the ability to endure,  are able to pick themselves back up time and time again are the ones that  flourish in life. According to the University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth, “grit” is a... Read More
Want a High GPA in College?  Join a Gym Featured 

Want a High GPA in College? Join a Gym

College students who want to raise their GPA can begin by boosting their level of exercise. Researchers at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan tracked the grades and exercise habits of 266 undergraduates. They found that students who regularly participated in vigorous physical activity had higher G.P.A.’s.  Another  study was conducted in 2015  by the American College of Sports Medicine... Read More
Egg Carton Boats Featured 

Egg Carton Boats

This is a fantastic art project one can do with their kids for the summer.  You can pair the activity with a book like Peppa Pig and the Muddy Puddles, which would make the activity more meaningful. 1) Materials: although I knew I wanted to make a boat at some point and thus bought a 12 egg egg carton, I did... Read More
Bullying: How to Empower Your Child Against It! Featured 

Bullying: How to Empower Your Child Against It!

What is bullying? According to “Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.” Bullying has become increasingly psychological.  So much so that kids are... Read More
Inquiry Based Learning vs The Traditional Approach Featured 

Inquiry Based Learning vs The Traditional Approach

Inquiry based learning is not a new technique.  It can be traced back to the education philosopher John Dewey.  Asking questions is at the heart of inquiry based learning.  The focus of this technique is  to answer the questions the students care about; this encourages them to ask new questions.  The process becomes more meaningful for the students.  Inquiry based... Read More
How Screen Time Affects Your Kids Featured 

How Screen Time Affects Your Kids

We live in an age where looking at a screen dictates a lot of how  we spend our  day.  Kids these days in specific are spending more time than ever in front of screens.  As a result, they experience an array of emotions and mood disorders.  Chronically,  children seem to be going through high arousal levels and irritability due to... Read More