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The Importance of Arts in Education Featured 

The Importance of Arts in Education

In recent years, school curricula in the United States have shifted heavily toward common core subjects of reading and math, but what about the arts?  Although some may regard the arts a a luxury, starting simple creative art activities at the early stages help to establish the building blocks so necessary for the total development of the child.  Learning to... Read More
Labeling Our Children Too Young: Could We Be Misdiagnosing A.D.H.D.? Featured 

Labeling Our Children Too Young: Could We Be Misdiagnosing A.D.H.D.?

In the article “Is It Just A.D.H.D. Or Just Immaturity”, by KJ Dell’Antonia it is cited  that “new research shows that the youngest students in a classroom are more likely to be given a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than the oldest.”  This seems to point to the issue that possibly children are being mislabeled A.D.H.D., when all they... Read More
Has STEM Lost Our Focus On The Liberal Arts Programs? Featured 

Has STEM Lost Our Focus On The Liberal Arts Programs?

In the recent New York Times article, “A Rising Call To Promote STEM Education And Cut Liberal Arts Funding,” by Patricia Cohen it is cited that,  there are “… a growing number of elected officials who want to nudge students away from the humanities and toward more job-friendly subjects like electrical engineering.”  Additionally, students majoring its liberal arts, such a... Read More
No Child Left Behind – Does It Really Work? Featured 

No Child Left Behind – Does It Really Work?

The No Child Left Behind Act was of 2001 was a U.S. Act of Congress which affects every public school in the United States. The law passed mainly because many people were convinced that low-income, minority students learn less than middle-class, White children because their teachers don’t try hard enough.  Its goal is to level the playing field for students... Read More
Trump Wants to DUMP CC Education ( But So Do the Other Candidates) Featured 

Trump Wants to DUMP CC Education ( But So Do the Other Candidates)

When it comes to the issue of education, Donald Trump has been very clear, he wants to make definitive cuts to the system. One such cut that he is firm on, is Common Core. “He hates the Common Core standards. They are as he says, “a total disaster” and he promises to abolish them upon presuming presidency …” Kevin Carey... Read More
What ants can teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet Featured 

What ants can teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet

Ecologist Deborah Gordon studies ants wherever she can find them — in the desert, in the tropics, in her kitchen … In this fascinating talk, she explains her obsession with insects most of us would happily swat away without a second thought. She argues that ant life provides a useful model for learning about many other topics, including disease, technology... Read More


In the Los Angeles area, a school district took an “out-of-the-box” approach towards educating their students, since many of them had individual needs, that simply were not being meet by standard teaching techniques. Children are not like cookies from a cookie cutter, they have individual needs, strengths, and abilities.  As teachers, we need to hone in on the individual needs... Read More