For Your Education - FYE Tips to Help your Child Adjust to School! – For Your Education
For Your Education

Tips to Help your Child Adjust to School!

43376116 - mother holding hand of little son with backpack outdoors, back to school


They’re off to school and instead of enthusiasm you get tears, conditions i.e. stomach aches, headaches or any other sort of ailment related to anxiety.  Your child is not faking it.  He or she is feels this under the stress of going to school.  This is especially common in kids in their grade school years, but here are some tips to overcome this.

  1. Help create a bond between your child and their teacher.  Children need to feel connected with an adult in order for them to feel safe; so when they are not with their parents they need to transfer that attachment and that focus on their teacher.  This allows them to settle down and learn.  If your child does not feel good about school let his or her teacher know that they have not settled into school yet.  An experienced teacher will understand and make an extra effort to make sure that is your child feels comfortable in their surroundings.
  2. Facilitate bonding with the other children in the class.  Kids need to bond with at least one other child.  Ask the teacher if they can identify another child in the, maybe another child your child likes to interact with so that you may set up play dates or have the kids go out for ice cream together or pizza.   It does not have to be an expensive activity but something both kids can enjoy. Invite the other child’s parents, as well, it maybe that  this can create a lifelong friendship for you too.
  3. Give your child something of yours to hold onto.  For some children saying good bye to their parent is one of the hardest things to do.  In order to ease the transition from home to school  give them something of yours i.e a piece of pin or a scarf that will remind him or her of you throughout the day.
  4. Calm their fears.  Sometimes kids can have worries for the silliest things, such as their parents may disappear or die.  Console your children that you will be away for a short period of  time but you will see them again later.  Also, that they will have a good time while you are away.
  5. Stay connected.  Start out your day with a snuggle in bed or on the sofa.  Show all your love and affection for him or her that morning. Make sure when you’re reunited with her or him inquire about their day and find out all about it.  Get them excited about that school day.


For more tips read Dr. Laura Markham’s Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting